Lori is looking for a little extra income. After responding to a craigslist ad, Lori was selected and it seemed like doing a little housework would be easy. Oh, how she was mistaken. As soon as she enters she is told to get on her knees and change into lingerie. While confused, Lori complies. Her new boss CJ seems serious. Well, then it's one precise demand after another and Lori is repeatedly berated on her performance. The water isn't good enough, so she is made to swallow it all, getting covered in it. Then, the flowers are too wilted, and Lori receives a slap to the face with them. This is not the job she was expecting! Though Lori talks back, in the end, she always seems to submit. Find more from CJ Mack on social media (Twitter @suicidalxcunt IG @officialcjmack) And follow her on here too! http://cjmackxxx.manyvids.com
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