I sit outside on my balcony to enjoy the afternoon breeze as I read, equipped with a cooler full of beer, soda, and an assortment of snacks. I’ve got a big bag of mixed nuts (15 servings at 130 Calories each), a bag of my favorite chips (3 servings at 140 Calories each), and a bag of lemon-filled sandwich cookies (20 cookies at 50 calories each). In honor of the day I also have rolled a joint filled with my favorite appetite enhancer. I sit down and start off by posing for several pictures with my tablet, allowing you to see how perfectly flat and toned my abs are. I sit back, pop open a beer, light the joint, and take a couple of hits before I rip open the bag of nuts and shove a few big handfuls into my greedy mouth, washing them down with swigs of beer. I munch on chips as I read on my tablet, alternating between snacks as I sip on beer. After a couple more hits from the joint it looks like I’m ready for desert, and I open a pack of cookies. Although my stomach is already starting to bulge and I have to adjust my pants, the sweet taste of the cookies re-whets my appetite for the savory chips and nuts, and I continue to mindlessly dig into the bags of fatty snacks. Before long I’m on my second beer, and then I pull out a bottle of soda and eventually a third beer. I let out the occasional small burp as I continue to swill beer, smoke, and shove food in my face as only someone with a bad case of the munchies can do. Engrossed in my reading, I fail to notice the growing discomfort in my stomach or the fact that every time I lean over for more food or booze my stomach is increasingly in the way, forming bloated rolls as I shift in my chair to try and get comfortable. As I become more fucked up, lethargy sets in and I laze sloppily in my chair, my belly hanging out for the world to see. Just when it looks like my binge has slowed to a halt, I light what remains of the joint and finish it off in several quick hits. Completely crossfaded, I open a third pack of cookies and inhale it as fast as if it was my first bite. Finally coming out of my food haze, I moan and sigh as I finally feel the full impact of my mindless overindulgence. My stomach is rock hard and makes me look like I’m about to give birth. I shift around in my chair, unable to get comfortable (but giving you lots of great views!) before I finally stand up and waddle away, my comically round stomach leading the way. Shot voyeur-style with no dialog. You’re spying on me as I gorge myself, completely oblivious to how much I’m actually consuming. I had to take a short break about 17 minutes in when I was interrupted by my neighbor (I left that part in for continuity). I had to go downstairs and talk to her with my stomach already starting to bloat! Other than that brief interruption I gorged myself nonstop for just over an hour! All in all, I ate the entire bag of chips, all but about two servings of nuts, 12 cookies, two and a half cans of beer, plus the soda, and of course I smoked the whole joint, too! My grand total was an estimated 3085 CALORIES and 156 GRAMS OF FAT! I was shocked and thrilled when I added it all up! I beat my previous stuffing record by an incredible 1400 Calories! In fact, I had set a goal for myself of eating 2000 Calories for this video, and I beat it by a mile without even realizing it. It’s so hot to know that I ate almost enough Calories to add an entire pound of fat to my body in just over an hour of gluttony! The best part is that I had a normal breakfast and dinner and even had the appetite for a small snack before bed, so I put away a good 5000 Calories in one day. I should easily gain at least a half pound of solid fat from this stuffing alone, maybe more! I guess my stomach is really starting to stretch. I can’t wait for the pounds to start piling on!
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