With Dakota Charms! Do you like my perfectly curved soles? They're smooth and I bet you want to touch them. My shoe size is 7 1/2 but they look like small feet. Do you want to smell my vinegar feet? Take out your cock and jerk it for my wrinkled soles and toes. Jack off as I put my feet in a footjob position and inhale the scent. Fuck your hand as I show you how to stroke it with my arches were on your shaft. Pointing and flexing my blue toenails gets you closer to orgasm. Cum on my soles! OTHER KEYWORDS- soles, sole fetish, wrinkled soles, foot fetish, foot worship, pov foot worship, foot smelling, smelly feet, dirty feet, smell fetish, feet joi, masturbation encouragement, masturbation instruction, jerk off instruction, jerk off encouragement, joi, dirty talk, cock tease, #MasturbationEncouragement #Feet #WrinkledSoles #FootWorship #FootSmelling @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com The name Steve was used in this clip.
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