Did you ever dream about being Naked at School? Well, I did! It was a normal day at school, when something started to feel a little bit off! I remember myself going to bed, but I don't remember waking up, preparing and going to school, I just found myself in class, and even if I'm usually the best student I had almost no idea what the lesson was about not to mention the homework, like when you try really hard to remember something, but it slips away, like water! The teacher noticed that I wasn't paying attention and started to question me about the book we had to read for today and I stood up, trying to do my best to respond to the question... During my speech, about what I remembered from the book, another very strange thing happened, my clothes just started to disappear, one by one, leaving me, eventually, completely naked. First the white shirt disappeared and it was quickly followed by my bra and my skirt! I somehow hoped that this is only happening in my mind, possibly a reaction to the fact I don't remember the lesson and I'm already embarrassed by that, but no, this phenomena was visible to everyone, including the teacher!... He admonished me for it, and pointed out that everyone in the class was paying attention to my naked Big Boobs, instead of my speech! I tried to explain to him that I didn't come to school naked, but he didn't believe me, it's hard to imagine such thing, but this was the truth, my clothes disappeared until I was completely naked and super ashamed of myself! Was it a dream, a nightmare, or was it some sort of mystic phenomenon?... What do you think?
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