Your wife SUCKS. She is a boring bitch who spends your money on dumb stuff like holiday decor and curtains. She is also a sexual bore. I already know this and it is time to admit it to yourself. YES. you hate her too and secretly want to fuck her over but you are too big of a pussy. She doesn't deserve anything at all-I DO. I deserve your LIFE and she deserves, well, your resentment. so take that bottled up resentment and do these EASY tasks. None of them are that scary and PROBABLY won't get you caught but will still make you feel like you did something behind her back. And you will be doing something behind her back. Matter of fact if you do everything I ask, I will give you permission to cum! Do these for Me and jerk off to how mean I am and how EVIL I think...and how EVIL I am for making you do these easy little tasks your wife would just HATE. oh, and I DARE you to send Me pics of it...
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