It’s a gorgeous day and I’m out having a pleasant walk in a pretty, rural village. I’m wearing a tight orange dress with a blue denim jacket over the top, and on my cute little feet I have on my black Adidas sneakers. It’s a beautiful little place, with small picturesque farms, and handsome stone cottages beside the main street, with lush trees and foliage growing on the other side. As I walk along the road, I can feel the bright sunshine on my silky hair. However, despite the lovely views surrounding me, I have a more pressing issue on my mind…I’m desperate to go to the bathroom! And ‘pressing’ happens to be an appropriate word, because my bladder is now so full that it does actually feel like someone is pressing on it! But there isn’t a bathroom to be found, and just as I’m wondering what on earth I’m going to do, I spot one of the most pleasing sights in the whole of England…the traditional red telephone box. It’s standing proudly by a stone wall that’s right beside the road, and as I reach it and pull open the heavy door, I can’t help but think how lucky I am. After all, it will at least part screen me from the prying eyes of the motorists who are passing right me in droves on the busy road. And besides, I’ll be emptying myself in one of the most fetching and iconic symbols this country has :) Safely inside, I hitch up my dress to reveal a sexy pair of yellow panties, and after squatting down on the floor, I let the floodgates open. A golden jet bursts out of me and runs straight through my panties, which I haven’t even had time to take off, and within seconds they are completely soaked. A puddle has quickly formed on the floor, and so my sneakers are getting soggy too, but the whole thing feels so good that I really don’t care. All the noises are being amplified too because of the enclosed space I’m in. There is a good chance I could be spotted through the customary glass panels of the red telephone box, but like I said, I’m just grateful for any protection after being caught this short! When I’m finally finished, and with my bladder tingling with pleasure due to the release of the pressure, I slip off my saturated panties and wring them out. The liquid cascades from them like a waterfall, which only adds to the puddle that’s already on the floor of the box. I then readjust my dress, and step back outside. As I carry on my walk there are three questions on my mind…Have I been spotted? Will any onlookers realise it’s a pair of yellow panties I’m now carrying in my hand? And will the next users of the telephone box work out why they suddenly have wet feet? ;)
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