It's been over a decade since I started my career & started my Super-Sized Pokemon Evolution from a Chubbosaur to the Obese-achu that you see before you. Getting to 500 lbs certainly has had it's lot of outgrown clothes, outgrown spaces and most recently an outgrown car. There have been a lot of weigh-ins, and exciting milestones, but more than anything, there has been a downright immeasurable amount of food & planetary plumpening of my epically obese body. In this clip I will talk to you a bit about my gluttonous gains and how much it turns me on, before giving you a sexy video progression montage that will blow your mind. Come watch me grow before your very eyes. I took time choosing the exact right clips of me eating, past weigh-ins, masturbating while eating & sexy gaining talks all spanning from the very beginning of my career as a gainer to the immobile 500 lb babe you see today. I can't wait for you to join me on this colossal journey of monumental proportions!
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