I’m super excited because my gorgeous friend Lucy Lauren has come up to visit me in my apartment :) I’m wearing a cream coloured jumper, a pair of Pikachu Pokemon socks, my white high top sneakers, and I’m also sporting a very soggy ID Slip. Lucy Lauren is wearing a loose fitting vest which shows off her tanned beach body, a knee length pair of black and white striped socks, and a pair of grey pumps. I have introduced her to the joys of wearing plastic, and she’s delighted to be strapped into a lovely Crinklz Aquanauts :) We’re in my living room, and in order to have fun and get some exercise at the same time, we have decided to play on my Wi console. I have chosen step aerobics, because it’s a great way to improve coordination, it helps you to build up a nice sweat…and most importantly, it gives you a great excuse to bounce up and down on the spot whilst you’re fastened into something that rustles, if you know what I mean? ;) I go first, and step onto the aerobics block on the floor, jiggling up and down as I move in time to the images on the television screen. It’s super fun, and the fact that I can feel my bulky, soggy ID Slip squelching around with every movement that I make only adds to my pleasure! You can clearly see that it’s particularly swollen and heavy around the gusset area, and I’ve positioned the camera so as to give a very cheeky view of this workout :D By now, Lucy Lauren is desperate to have a go, so we switch places and she takes her turn, bobbing on the spot elegantly :) You can tell that Lucy Lauren is used to exercise, because her body moves wonderfully well, and it’s such a joy to watch her…not least because her bum looks fantastic in the Crinklz Aquanauts :) Whoever would have thought that exercise could be this cheeky? :)
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