I’m indoors setting the table as I have some friends coming round for dinner. I’m wearing a cute My Little Pony t-shirt, a pair of rainbow coloured knee length socks, and a white Crinklz diaper with adorable pictures of bears on it. I’m very excited and want to make sure everything looks really nice for when everyone arrives, so I’m taking my time putting out the plates and cutlery, and making sure that everything is neatly arranged. Moving around the table and preparing all the place settings means that I’m doing a lot of bending over and stretching, so there are lots of cheeky shots of my diaper covered bum too! And as the Crinklz is very wet and soggy, all the moving about I’m doing is making me feel even better! When everything is finally finished, the only thing left to do is go upstairs and change into a more appropriate outfit. Maybe something a little smarter. I’m talking about my t-shirt and socks of course….the soaking wet diaper is definitely staying on ;)
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