I’m feeling very productive so I decide to spend some time indoors doing some cleaning. I’m wearing my Jurassic Park t-shirt, a pair of white tube socks, and strapped against my tight bum I have on a lovely Crinklz diaper. I get onto my knees on the rug, which is in the middle of the living room floor. Next to me is a beautiful old wooden table that really needs a good polish. I take a can of polish and a fresh duster, and leaning over the table whilst still on my knees, I go to work, building up a sweat as I apply the elbow grease. I can see that the table is looking better already but there’s an added bonus to the polishing…it lets me stick my bum right into the air and give very cheeky shots of my beautiful diaper. And as I’m moving around the floor to reach different parts of the table, it means that my diaper is rustling and crinkling loudly, which is the perfect accompaniment to any task ;) When I’m finished, I’m so pleased with the job I’ve done, the surface is shining and it was well worth the effort. Though to be fair, anything seems like it’s worth the effort when you have an extremely pretty diaper strapped around you at the same time ;)
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