It’s a beautiful sunny day so I’m spending some time in my summer house in the garden. I’m wearing a tight turquoise dress, and on my cute little feet I have on a pair of fluffy socks. The summer house has a very comfortable settee with lovely padded cushions, and it’s the perfect spot for relaxing. And considering that I have recently bought two packets of brand new Dry Nite pyjama pants, and have them here on the settee with me, I’m feeling very relaxed indeed! Dry Nite have just rebranded their pyjama pant pull up range, and I thought this would be the perfect time to try them out and give my opinions. I always like to have any new product strapped around my bum as soon as possible, as I wouldn’t want to miss out on anything that was wonderful! I’ve got the blue packet and the pink packet, as I want to keep my options open. I take one of the pull ups out of the pink packet, and straight away I can see that I love the adorable little butterfly patterns it has on it. It’s crinkly too, which I absolutely love. But I feel it needs an important test. Sitting on the settee with my legs spread and the soles of my feet together, I let out a long and very loud golden release into the pull ups. The enclosed space of the summer house really amplifies the noise of the wetting, and you can totally see the Drynites change colour, from white to yellow, as the wetness spreads inside and soaks it in seconds. And it feels so much bulkier and heavier after the filling. Tune into the video to hear exactly what I have to say about my purchases. As for me, I think I will stay in the summer house a while longer. Especially now I have something extremely soggy strapped round my crotch ;)
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