I’m out and about browsing in a popular department store. I’m wearing a black and white striped jumper, my comfortable black sneakers and a matching short black skirt which shows off my shapely legs. Underneath my skirt, and strapped tight against my bum is a very soggy pink Drynites. It’s peak hours in the store, and so there are lots of other people in there doing their shopping. I make my way along the various aisles, making a mental note of possible future purchases, but in actual fact my mind is on my bulky and swollen Drynites, and the fact that it is rubbing against the inside of my thighs. In my handbag I have a fresh blue Drynites, and so when I come to a quiet nook that seems to be temporarily deserted, I decide that this is the perfect time and place for a change…albeit a very risky one! I have no idea if anybody will come across me, which they could at any second, and so I waste no time. Quickly and quietly, I remove the new Drynites from my bag, and slip off the soaking wet pink one. Looking at it in my hand, I can see that it is just as saturated as it felt when it was around my crotch! I strap the blue one on, savouring how deliciously crinkly it feels, and after another quick glance to check that I haven’t been spotted, I adjust my dress and carry on with my shopping. Phew, that made my heart beat faster! But I was desperate. I may have got away with the change, but with the way that the fresh new blue Drynites is rustling and crackling under my skirt, I’ve now got to think about whether anyone might hear me… ;)
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