Command officer T'Ponda has led you to the holodeck, slipped into something a little more 21st century & informed you of something very interesting: being a half Vulcan means once every 7 years she goes through something called Pon Farr... a time where Vulcans are much more inclined than usual to get intimate so to speak. But she wants a little something different this year. You can call it foreplay, she considers it a foreshadowing of things to come. She sits you down and reveal a big, thick strap-on riding between her thighs as she lights up a cigarette and starts to detail, hole by hole, what she'd love to do to you in her horny space slut bliss. Between drags of dense smoke blown into your face she strokes her fat cock and daydreams about the ways she'd fuck your soft, sweet body raw. For now you can just think of it, let it tease your mind. When she's ready to seal the deal...she'll come find you and see if your body can handle her.
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