I’m trying really hard to get my abs back for the summer, but unfortunately I’ve been invited to an early-season pool party TONIGHT and my abs are still too soft. So I’m putting myself on a little diet and only eating fruit for lunch. Sitting outside in a bikini, I have a bowl of mangos in front of me as I tell you about this party. Everyone is going to see that I’ve lost the rock-hard abs I had last year, and one in particular I’m really worried will be sure to point it out. As I talk I rapidly scarf down mango after mango (getting REALLY messy in the process) and fail to notice how rapidly the fibrous fruit is causing me to bloat. By the time I notice I’ve inhaled six mangos, and when I stand up to assess the damage my formerly only slightly soft abs have been replaced by a distended belly the size of a beach ball! I can’t believe just a few pieces of fruit did that to me! I definitely can’t go to the party now. Why do I even bother trying if I’m just going to end up with a big, bloated belly no matter what I do? I have a package of cookies that I was saving to treat myself after the party, but I might as well eat them now. I eat the entire package, putting away another 800 sugary calories in a matter of minutes. I stand up once again and my belly is even bigger, rounder, and looks like it might burst. But when I realize how wet my stuffed belly makes me, I have a change of heart. I’m going to go to that party and proudly show off my NEW bikini body!
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