Everyday after football practice you wait until everyone has left to change, so you certainly were surprised to see the two hottest brats from class walk right into the changing rooms as your towel hits the ground. Your shrimp dick is out for two hot women and it isn't hard to see that you're obviously a virgin. YOU are supposedly the Captain of the foot ball team? How? Where? I don't see any Captain in you, No alpha there! That tiny cock is disgusting to hot brats like us and we can't help but laugh. Minuscule wanna-be men like you aren't in charge, we are. You may be able to trick your teammates and the other naive girls into believing you're a "real man", but Aurora and I see right through your disguise. You're nothing but a pathetic pindick virgin. How would coach feel if he knew that the MVP had a clit dick? How about your teammates? What will we make you do in order to keep us from telling everyone just how pathetic you are?
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