I’m outdoors, enjoying the English countryside. I’m wearing a blue dress with a light denim jacket over the top, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on my white Converse sneakers. Underneath my dress is a very soggy Tena Slip Maxi that has been on for quite some time! I’ve stumbled across a clearing in the woods, and I sit down on a wooden bench to rest. And as well as letting me get my breath back, this also gives me the opportunity to hitch up my dress and flash my soggy Tena Slip Maxi from lots of cheeky angles! It looks really padded and bulky, and I can’t stop showing it off, even though I’ve spotted a public footpath sign beside a gate, which means that there are probably other walkers in the area who might come across me at any moment! Still, this is a good chance for a much needed change, and it’s definitely worth the risk, considering how badly I need strapping into something fresh. I slip off the Tena Slip Maxi, and once it’s in my hands, I can see that it is indeed every bit as saturated as it felt around my bum. I roll it up into a ball, and pop it into my backpack, and then I slide on a Drynites pull-up, which I absolutely love to have with me when I’m outside, as they go on so quickly and easily. Very handy if there are people milling around ;) The new plastic feels wonderful, and there’s also the added bonus that it’s going to be rustling and crackling like crazy for the rest of my walk…bliss :D
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