Title: Moon Goddess Ritual | | Video Length: 14:18 | Let Moon Goddess Leila seduce you as she teases with her dance and ritual, alone in a candle-lie room. | Hail to the Moon Goddess… Come mortal and see; my multi-faceted ritual will leave you spellbound. I tease and tantalize… I dance and strip… I anoint my naked body with sweet scents and oils… I pleasure myself as molten wax drips down my skin.. It will leave you enthralled… | | Parts of this video have also been broken down into shorter teaser clips if you would just like to see specific parts. 1. For those who love a magnificent ass, we present “Moon Goddess Ritual: Ass Worship”. 2. Beautiful titties and pinchable nipples abound in “Moon Goddess Ritual: Tit Worship”. 3. Look for an artistic and erotic body tour and wax play in “Moon Goddess Ritual: Erotic Visions”. 4. If you like sultry and artistic close up masturbation, you’ll love “Moon Goddess Ritual: Knuckle Deep”. This full-length video is of course all the teasers often including extra little bits not seen in any of them.
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