So this is a real life video of me playing Mario Kart, totally in the zone and spewing out all sort of commentary while playing. I have on a very thick diaper without pants on to keep me nice and dry while I play. I tend to have a very dirty mouth when I play video games, and this is no exception. Every time I win a race, I do a special victory dance, shaking my diapered booty and bouncing around making my boobies go up and down. I am very lucky there were not any tops around or I would have had my mouth washed out with soap! During my final lap of racing, Adriana texts me and I end up losing my focus, so I may or may not say she should get spanked for making me lose (which ended up getting me spanked later that evening). If you like cute video gamer girls that get super into it, then you'll love this authentic clip.
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