ORDER: Come in wearing sneakers and dirty white socks. Take off sneakers and prop up socked feet in front of you. Play with phone through clip. About 30 secs in say "Sorry I had a long day." Briefly fan face. Wiggle toes in socks. Minute in say "Huh? My feet stink? Well duh they been in those shoes all day. Look just deal with it." Keep showing off bottom of socked feet. Sometimes talk about feet being hot or sweaty or itchy etc. Sometimes sneak a scratch in or rub socked feet on each other. Halfway begin to itch in between toes with fingers. "What are you looking at? Wierdo. Uhh....i think i got athletes foot again.......Don't look at me like that. Just deal with it." Itch real good between baby toes and under baby toes. Go back to showing off feet for min. Last minute start itching toes. "Damn this fungus. It just keeps coming back." Take off socks. Inspect between toes. "Yep it flared up again." Look at camera. "I'm gross? HA. Take these socks. (Throw socks at camera) Deal with that. Itch some more. The end.
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