I've called you into My office because we have a serious problem. The IT department was doing maintenence on your company computer and found something very troublesome. You have been looking at adult fetish websites on your work computer. This is a clearly against the company policy and grounds for immediate termination. Here lies the problem. You are our top producer and it's not even close. In fact, your sales are so good, the company might tank without you. After thinking about it, long and hard, I have come up with a solution. First, you must agree to never, ever, ever look at adult sites on company computers or on company time again. I have noticed that most of the content you were looking at was foot fetish related. That's where part two comes in. I too have a foot fetish. I like men at My feet. If you fully agree with part one (if you don't then I'll have to fire you now) then I will set aside time every day for you to come to My office and indulge in My feet. You must admit that having My feet for real is far better than looking at it on the internet. Now, you can't tell anyone. We can actually start today. That way you'll know that I'm serious about this. Today you can masturbate right here in front of Me and cum all over your Boss's feet all while keeping your job. How does that sound? I'll even wear your sticky jizz around the office for the rest of the day.
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