You have never felt like a real man, and it's all down to your genetics. There are certain qualities that people associate with being a man; muscles, strong jaw line, tall, broad, and of course a sizeable manhood. You weren't born with any of things, especially the last one. You are probably desperately clinging on to the fact you have an average dick size, but it's still not good enough. You have to try 1000 times harder than a man with big dick, and where does it get you? Absolutely nowhere. The only thing you can do is embrace your true calling, your rightful place, and admit what you really are. Don't worry, i have a few things you can do to get my attention, you might even feel like you finally belong. Firstly, i am going to tell you exactly what i think of you, and then i will give you some life tips. This clip contains special effects, layered audio, humiliation, and will result in you feeling bullied, and belittled.
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