Rejection has been with you ever since you can remember. The only thoughts you have with girls are the times in school when they gave you disgusted looks before they turned their back and pretended that you weren’t there. You were seen as the loser freak that ate lunch by himself and roamed the halls alone. Any female interaction led to you acting weird as you became more nervous by the second. You had nobody and had no choice but to stay in all weekend while everyone else went out and enjoyed life with their friends. The funny part about all of this is that NOTHING has changed! In fact, you’ve just become more of a loser that actually PAYS for rejection now. You pay to be mocked for your inability to be seen as a normal man and you need it to get through the day. Who would have thought that it would be possible for you to become even more pathetic than you were years ago. I think it’s important to have rejects taken back in time to where it all started so that you can be reminded of how much you’ve failed in life.
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