You’re hiding behind a counter when your big brother Miles, well REALLY BIG Brother now, comes home and laughs about all the people that are out everywhere looking for you. HAHA poor mother has no idea what happened to her baby boy. Miles knows but still plays sympathy with the family in pretending to help with the search parties knowing that you’re trapped in his house running around like an ant. All those times you cried like a little bitch and got your big brother in trouble……. Now look at you, poor mom and dad are searching everywhere, and they won’t even be able to see you if they come over. Welcome to your new life, you best learn to accept it. Your brother stomps his size 13 work boots and compares you to the giant crevice’s in the soles of his boots. Since you need to realize how screwed your situation is, it’s time to understand your place. Your brother makes you get deep into the dirty leather work boots as you lick and clean all the little crevice’s slowly. This is good your beginning to understand where your place and your new life is going to be. Careful not to get crushed while cleaning those boots, Miles’s feet are tired from all that work with the search party. It was even more work to pretend like he cared. He begins to toy with you, comparing you and putting you in his mouth threatening to eat you. Now you’re in for a real treat, your brother begins to remove his boots to give you a nice sweaty stinky surprise. He makes you sniff and really walk up and lick hard on his work boots before showing you just how hard he has been sweating and working. Your big brother has holes worn into his socks, that’s how much he had to walk around pretending to look for your pathetic tiny self. He slowly removes his sock and makes you clean all the cheese out from his toes while ringing his sweaty sock out over you. You can see him slightly smiling while he’s engulfs you with his socks. The scary excitement in your big brother’s eyes as he explains all the plans he has for you. Comparing you to his own dick……. HAHA you puny maggot. Miles is your God now, get used to it. Now kiss your big brother’s feet and say, “Thank you Big Brother!”
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