It's not my favorite way to get a meal, but when you're desperate, you take whatever you can get. See, I lay in the ally next to the office building. I usually pan handle there, but later in the evening, the guys that come thru are looking for something else, and when you're starving for a meal, you do what you have to. It usually only takes a few minutes before one of these guys comes along, grabs me by the hair and takes advantage. Some are rougher than others, but I can take a lot. This one grabbed me by the hair and thrust his cock deep into my throat, and wouldn't let me breath until I swallowed the tip of his cock. I tried to resist, but not having eaten in a few days, he over powered me easily and was able to fuck my face until he gave me what I wanted - that thick stream of sweet protein. A meal like that can get me thru the night, and it's worth what I have to do to get it.
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