This is your final warning and could be our last ever communication. You have found yourself in direct viola-tion of your contract, and you are two hours late on your black--mail payment and I just can't carry the burden of your dirty secrets anymore. If I don't receive full payment within the alotted time then you will receive a visit. One phone call is all it takes, The Boys are prepped and roaring to go. They will hunt and locate you, then take you to a unknown location. You'll be kicking and scre-aming but it will fall on deaf ears, while being dragged blo-odie-d along the unforgiving gravel beneath you. No one fucks with my money and you have done that, but you will pay the price and if The Boys really'go in' on you and you'cease to exist' the debt will STILL be paid. Hahaha don't think because you are'not around anymore' that your debt won't continue because I promise you it will. It will be passed to the next eldest male in your family. Ill always collect my money. Tick tock goes the clock and your lifeline depleting with it. Maybe The Boys will treat you like a dirty little slut and use you while recording which will further entangle you into my darkest black--mail. Who am I kidding, they'll do what I tell them to do to you. I am Tanya Takes and I'm inescapable you'll pay the price. Somehow
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