Welcome to Sex Worker Connection!!! This is the FIRST video of a *hopeful* series where you will be able to learn more about your favorite porn stars weekly! (Official start date is August 7th, but I am accepting submissions beforehand is anyone is ready!) Each interview will have a multitude of questions, similar to these, or ones that the Model themselves have chosen. With this video series, I am eager to bring the community closer together by creating a nice connection between Model and fan. P.S. Sorry if I sound and/or look nervous, LMAO! For Fans, hopefully you'll be seeing your favorite Models, or maybe even learning about new ones! Feel free to leave any comments below on questions you may have for the next Sex Worker Connection Episode. For Sex Workers, if you're wondering how to make yourself more known, how to get involved in the community, please reach out to me via Twitter @omankovivi OR send an email to omankovivi@outlook.com for guidelines on how to submit your own video for editing and uploading! These videos will be posted on omankovivi.manyvids.com to MVTube, pornhub.com/pornstar/omankovivi and twitter.com/omankovivi. Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy!!! (This video doubles as the example video for any Model who wishes to participate in Sex Worker Connection. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!)
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