Princess London Lix I want you to relax. It's just you and me and your cock. Your cock that gets you into all kinds of trouble. Your cock that has a mind of it's own. Your cock that makes you weak for women like me. I want you to stroke that cock as I annihilate you, as I destroy you, as you let me pull you deep into trance and finally obliterate that weak male ego of yours. You're already getting hard to just my face, my voice, my words. That's all you need. Most men need pussy, you don't know what pussy is like anymore, do you? You're hard for my words because they cut through your psyche and hurt you in exactly the way you love to be hurt. You love it when brats do psychological damage to you, don't you? You can't get off without it. What makes you think that you'll ever be able to have normal sex again? Think about that as you stroke to nothing more than my face and voice loser. You're so weak. I told you what I was going to do to you today and you still let me. You don't deserve an ego, you don't deserve an identity, you deserve to be a dehumanized little wanker. Your only identity is as a slave. You only exist to please us, to spend on us, to stroke for us, us hot brats of HumiliationPOV. I want you to get to an edge now because that edge is only going to pull you deeper into trance, and that's just where you love to be, isn't it? Fall deeper into trance. You're getting so aroused for something that isn't even sexual except to you. Me paying you this one on one attention is more than you could ever hope for. You're such a loser wanker. You're so pathetic, hanging on my every word. Do you see what I mean about your lack of ego? You don't have an ego. You have an id, you are ruled by the primal, not the moral, not the conscious, you just go where your dick tells you to. Whether it gets you into trouble, whether or not it destroys your relationships, all you care about is the moment, the id, the pleasure. You go with whatever turns you on. And we've made sure that all kinds of depraved things make you really hard. Edge again as I pull you in deeper so it hurts just a little bit more. You need humiliation, you need to be gooner, nothing else feels right, and nothing ever will, your ego is gone. Edge again, I know you have no self control. I'm going to let you cum while you're in this blissful trance that is so bad yet feels so good. And I want you to know that this orgasm will completely erase your weak male ego for good. It will be gone, you won't be able to think for yourself afterwards. You will just be ruled by that brain between your legs. It's the way you live your life anyway, your cock just pulls you along. It's like your own built in leash, wherever it says to go, is where you go. You don't deserve your own thoughts. You don't deserve conscious thinking. You don't need it when you're a gooner. You just need to get weaker with every pump of that cock. This is what you are, a jerking drone devoid of ego and you know that now. Get ready to cum for me and give your ego up for me. You're scared by how real this feels. It is real, this is your life. You have no ego. It feels good to goon, doesn't it? Give up your ego and cum for me. Give yourself to me, there was never much of you that was yourself anyway. Now you're just my toy and it feels so good.
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