You are such a pathetic slob. You can't hold a job, you never help with anything around the house, nor can you be bothered to pick up after yourself. It's like taking care of a big baby... which is exactly what you are going to become! A big SISSY baby! I've brought my friend Zoe Grappling over to help me out. You whine and protest, but we insist this going to be so much better for you. You'll never have to pretend to be a big, strong man ever again. You'll never have to worry about working, or even about using the potty. Zoe helps me hold up your legs while I slide a thick, ABU lavender diaper under your bottom. Then we apply lots of baby powder all over butt and itty bitty wee-wee. We don't want our babygirl getting a diapee rash! You start to cry, because you don't want to be a baby! But Zoe and I just laugh because we know your crying means the regression is already working. Zoe gives you a pacifier as I tell you about your new life as a sissy baby. You're going to have so much fun just playing all day, wetting your diapers, and being with you new daddy! Oh, I didn't tell you? I'm seeing someone new. A REAL man. He can't wait to meet his new babygirl. Aw, don't be so upset. With you being a babygirl, I need a man around the house -not that I ever had one even before I regressed you. But we won't leave you out -you'll get to watch Daddy and I fuck from inside the adult-sized crib Daddy is going to build for you! Suddenly Zoe and I smell something strong coming from your diaper. I decide to do a quick diaper check, and it looks like SOMEBODY is already soaking wet! All this talk about me leaving you for a real man must have made you lose control. Well, we'll need to change you soon but not right away. Zoe and I think you need to sit in that soaking diaper for a bit, but we definitely want you in a fresh one before you meet Daddy!
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