Ever wonder why you’re still a virgin loser while men all around the world are getting laid? The answer should be quite clear to you by this point. You’re an incel. A loser. A total reject that has spent hours upon hours hate fucking your unwanted cock. I mean, your computer is pretty much your life at this point since it’s where you spend your nights binge-watching porn and wasting your life away with the other incel losers that live behind their screen. You resent women for not wanting to fuck you and men for being able to have what you will never be capable of getting. You jerk off with the thought of pussy in your head yet your too ugly and undesirable to ever get close to it. Trust me incel, you’re the problem. You’re the reason why you live your life alone and jerk off constantly. You can’t pretend that you’re a real man and use excuses for your sex free life. It’s clear that you repel pussy and everyone else in your life. Keep ruining yourself while women laugh at your constant failure, loser! The only thing you’re good at is hate fucking your stupid cock, and that’s what you’ll be doing for a lifetime.
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