This was a custom clip though no names are used. Interested in ordering a custom clip for yourself? Email GoddessSylvia@gmail.com for more info. "In this scene, I'm a handsome detective following clues to a case where men have gone missing. I follow the clues to your lair, but it turns out it was a trap to bring me to you. I find you seated (in a low chair this time) waiting for me. "Well, well...what have we here? I see you've found your way to me, at last. Now that I have you, you’re all mine.” You were the one responsible for the missing men. You seduced them, broke their will to resist you. Once they were in your grip, you kissed them, draining all their strength and taking it for your own - making you even stronger. Then you crushed them in your arms or legs. Depending on your mood. Now you have me. You stand up slowly so I can get a look at your amazing muscular body. You walk slowly to me, savoring the moment and stop in front of me. My head only reaches your chest. You take my chin (The camera) in one hand and make me look up into your eyes. "Poor, little Detective. You have no idea how helpless you are." You lift me (the camera) into your muscular arms, wrapping your arms around my wait. You've got me tight against you. "I've got you. It's no use. You're as helpless as the others were." You look me over. "Perhaps I shall keep you for myself. Yes, I will break you and make you my slave." With a wicked chucke, You sensually squeeze him in your grip, enticing him to give in until we go to black out He wakes up at your feet. You welcome him back. You took care not to break him physically. You have plans for him. You begin crossing your beautiful legs. You slowly continue to cross and uncross your legs. You raise one leg, showing me how flexible you are. Once those legs wrapped themselves around me, you could crush me You run your hands along your thigh and cross your legs more. I should stop resisting you and give in. Lots of leg crossing. When you see that I'm broken, you stand up slowly and stalk me again with your amazing walk. You lift me in your arms once again."There's no escape. Who do you belong to, little one? That’s right, you belong to me." You kiss me gently. It drains me. You smile. "You're mine."
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