I’m out having a stroll in the woods :) I’m wearing a black and white striped dress, a white shirt over the top tied in a pretty knot at the bottom, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on my back Adidas sneakers. Underneath my dress, tight around my pert little bum, is a very wet and soggy Drynites. As I make my way along the woodland footpath, I can’t resist hitching up my dress to cheekily flash my Drynites! This is quite risky, as I am on a public path, and there is a good chance that another walker will come along and catch me flashing it, but exposing my damp Drynites to the fresh breeze is just too tempting to pass up :D It has started to rain too, and I get a big thrill from knowing that I’m getting wet on the outside when I’m already so wet on the inside, if you know what I mean? ;) As I explore the woods, I happily chat away…after all, I always think that a picturesque outdoor setting is the perfect place for a good catch up :D And when you are squatting down in something soggy whilst sucking on a cute pacifier, like I am right now, so much the better ;)
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