I am seriously disappointed in you. You had the nerve to fall a***** during my African geography and history lecture. You are having detention at my home because I really need to get to the bottom of why you are so disrespectful. The make crude remarks about Africa and it's inhabitants is totally unacceptable. At for your information, never refer to it is a country. It's a damn CONTINENT. How obnoxious can you be? It's disgusting. Woah woah woah...what are you doing? Did you just smell where I was sitting down on this desk? That's really weird behavior. Are you ok? How about I make you some tea? I'm sure we can come to a resolution here. I even learned this tea brewing recipe from a wise woman I met while in Africa. It's quite delicious. Here...try it. Are you feeling a little weird now? It seems you are shrinking down. Now I am quite HUGE compared to you. My ass smell is much more overpowering now. The wise woman I mentioned earlier also taught me how to shrink me and absorb them thru my asshole. This is what I intend to do with you. Or you can fall to your tiny doom. Your choice...but I suggest you make the one more beneficial for both of us. Just look at this mesmerizing wink...get in my hot asshole! You'll Also Love: "Never Escape Again" "You're So Tiny" "You Want To Live Inside My Ass"
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