You are a guest at a hotel and this is your second day. You didn't make a very good impression on the maid yesterday and she thinks that you are rude and arrogant! AND you didn't bother tipping her. Something happened during the night. It had nothing to do with the maid. You drank something from the hotel bar and came back to your room and crashed on the couch but when you woke up everything looked bigger! MUCH bigger. The couch beneath you now seemed dauntingly high. You can't really accept it but you have to come to terms with it eventually. You have shrunk! You are terrified of moving as the drop to the floor is now too high so you sit against the cushion scared and hoping to be rescued by someone soon. Suddenly, you hear a voice. It's the maid! She calls and enters thinking noone is there and begins her cleaning duties. After a while she discovers you and is totally shocked. she rushes to call the hotel manager but pauses at the door. She suddenly has a better idea. You weren't so nice to her before and now you are pretty helpless. A wave of gleeful cruelty strikes her and she decides she is going to have fun with you but first she wants to tell you just what she thinks of you. She wants to make you feel as small as the way you made her feel. She thinks you are wuite good looking and if you hadn't been so rude, she might have even fancied you. In fact, she still thinks you look good! But unfortunately for you, that means good enough to EAT! The maid then dangles you over her huge mouth and teases you relentlessly. She has total control over you now and will drop you in and gobble you up whenever she is ready. You are completey at her mercy and regret ever being rude to her! (Stomach sounds included at the end)
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