Have you been wondering why your clothes are getting tighter, your belly is getting round and full and you are always hungry??? Well, when you installed that fairy door in your garden, you invited mischief into your life. Hi, I am Reenaye and I am your own personal fat fairy. I have enchanted you so that everytime I stuff my little fairy face with fattening food and tons of microcalories, you get 10X that amount added to your real calorie intake and I am turning you into a butterball with the might of my magickal appetite. Now that you have popped buttons on all your favorite shirts and your pants don't fit, I thought I might appear, while stuffing my fat face of course, to reveal the mysteries of your recent bloating and weight gain... And of course, I am not going to let you stop anytime soon. You invited me in, and now I intend to turn you into the fattest blob you can be!
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