Look at how addicted you are to me. You buy my clips as soon as I release a new one without even thinking. It’s like you’re just waiting in front of your screen so you can snatch up a new clip for your next jerk session. You can’t get enough of me no matter how cruel I am to you. In fact, the meaner I am the bigger your orgasms are. I remind you so much of the girls in school that looked at your stupid face with disgust and laughed at you with their boyfriends. You wanted to fuck them so bad but you knew there wasn’t even a slight chance that would happen. You’re so lucky that you have me to resurface all of those cruel memories. Things didn’t change at all, huh? Look at you now, still wanting to fuck me yet you know you never will. Instead you jerk it and goon to my clips all night like a pathetic loser bitch. No matter how much time you spend stroking or the amount of money you blow on me, I’ll still never give a fuck about you. You’ll always be something that I use for my amusement. So go on idiot, jerk it to me harder and splurge more. I’m the mean girl of your dreams that you obsess over, and that will never change.
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