*this was a custom video.. contact me for yours! amberhaze_420 at hot mail dot com…customer review: spot on!! totally perfect!! cant wait to order more!"* You hear me call to you from downstairs.. so you slowly enter my bedroom.. I pop out and suddenly.. bam!! I knock you out cold and when you come to there I am straddling you.. aw poor you did that hurt? Well that is just the start! You know I've always wanted to feel what it was like to open a man right up. see what's inside that chest cavity! Don't worry I'm at least going to get you off before I end you. I sensually slip off my clothes.. stroke then suck your cock.. I spit your cum on the floor and grab my tool of torment of choice and start opening you up. We don't want to make too big of a mess do we? So I put something on to hold the mess before I continue with the massacre! Right before I end you.. the last vision you will see i my cruel smile and the last thing you will hear is my cruel laugh in your ear as it all goes black.
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