You have become famous throughout the country with your machine to enlarge the breasts of women without the need for plastic surgery. But you've also maintained your moral integrity and solid ethics by refusing to over-enlarge your patients' breasts, limiting yourself to small adjustments. But Luna is different. Luna is a rich spoiled bitch who wants to have the biggest tits in the city and thanks to her money she always gets what she wants. "Tell me a number and I'll offer you 10 times that!" Your ethics and your morals tremble in front of the girl's determination and you can only accept! A lot of money awaits you.. you just have to inflate out of all proportion the tits of this brat! She attaches her mouth to the air tube connected to the machine and begins to greedily swallow the air, which evidently alters something in her, in fact she begins to moan in a strange way, to giggle and to make weird facial expressions of pure enjoyment. Trying to contain the "damage", you insufflate a little air at a time inside her, but the girl gets angry, it's not because of this misery of tits that she paid you! In total you insufflate her three times (during the inflation moments the camera is focused on the facial expressions) and three times her tits have different dimensions, until the machine discharges and the girl needs to stop. Despite this, Luna is really happy with her giant tits, but she advises you to expand the capacity of your equipment: she will return to increase the size of her tits very soon!
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