Don’t you just love women that put you right in your place, bitch? The mean girls that treat you less than dirt and show you how fucked you’ve become after all of the femdom porn you’ve indulged in. Face it, you can’t stop watching it. You’d rather sit there and jerk your worthless cock than go out and socialize. When your dick is in your hand, every thought and worry about life disappears. It feels so much better than having to go out and live a normal life. Stroking takes your mind off everything, yet you’re doing long term damage to yourself. You know exactly how fucked your mind is becoming as each day passes, and you keep going deeper. You need to push yourself further. You’re turning yourself into an isolated freak, ready to join the rest of my social rejects that don’t know how to do anything else besides jerk their cocks. It’s only going to get worse from here, and there’s nothing that you can do to pull yourself out. This is your life. As pathetic as it sounds, this is YOU. Embrace it. Ruin yourself even more. I love having dumb, ruined bitches to add to my collection.
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