Ello everyone, I just wanna give you an insider on my life right now & alittle about me. I'm a fire spinner & I had a gig this last Friday & it was very therapeutic for me in many ways ,because I have had something happen to me on 8.22.19 while at an "audition/interview" for this Art place I've been wanting to work for. This man decided he would take advantage of my art & my fashion, asking me to go meet him for the first time at his office. He ended up violating me, my privacy, made me so uncomfortable.. so shooked up I just couldn't comprehend what was going on & I was scared for my safety that I just obeyed everything this man was telling me to do & I felt so embarrassed about it. I would go in detail about it, but man.. I dont know if you guys really wanna know or read.. i dont even know if anyone is really gonna look at this. But, i shared my story on fb & it went viral. Other victims came forward, some have kept quite for years because they were so afraid of this man, worried of their safety& just felt no one would believe them..because he is heavily known in our community, wealthy & is connected with the mayor, etc. I've had 2 news reporters contact me already & a radio airpod. Speaking with this one reporter & we have been gathering as many victims as possible for this news article to come out. Then something crazy just happened tonight(9.1.19) and that mans Instagram business for his art account got HACKED! HOLY AH! They started leaking the victims stories, messages from their DMs, just like blasting this evil man all over with his 13.4 k followers. And I started to freak out since this totally just took a crazy turn.. So I contacted the hacker via DMS on the art page& they ended up calling me on restricted & tried getting me into the account so I can see it too. And just it ended up crashing so they got kicked out & now they can't go back in. The page is blowing up & I can't go to zzzland. I talk to the reporter later today. And more victims have contacted me, this is all just so wild. I'm so emotionally drained, stressed & like numb but so proud of all the women who have stepped forward. I wanna keep fighting & pushing forward for all the girls who have stayed silent for so long & any potential future victims. I want our stories to be heard & our voices be spoken. We are stronger together & I just wanted to help everyone who suffered with this. So.. that's alittle of what's going on with my life. And I just wanna say I appreciate you all for following me & supporting me in my journey with life. Please stay safe & much love. Love , Zaturn. <3
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