Watch Ms. Friction make her loyal follower succumb to her powerful ass as he gets his just desserts. Observe how he moans and begs for Goddess' delicious butt treats, but is he up for the challenge? Watch even more of the one true chocolate goddess as she prepares for this beautiful feeding to hungry junkie shitbag! Followed by the dirty deed itself....mouth watering yet? My food List: 3-5oz bowls of Oreo O's cereal & Milk 3-Bananas 2 cups of yogurt 1 Chili Cheese Hot5oz Caramel Apple Salad (Kroger) 2 cups of carrots 7 Chicken Dumplings 1 cup rice 1 boiled egg 1 small Summer Berry Blizzard 2 Macarons 3oz bag of Mike Sells Chips 4 Reese's Sticks 1- 7.2oz Haribo Sour Streamers FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM (kumorabrilee) and Twitter (@TheGoddessKB1)!
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