Since purchasing my c0erced Bi videos, the desire has come out strong for you to finally admit your sissy tendencies. You truly desire to check into a hotel and prepare for a night where the intent will be to actively search for a cock (or cocks) to suck. Male or Shemale. It could be that you go back to the room, or head up the road to an Adult Bookstore and do it in one of the Glory Holes. Your thoughts for a video would be to have me encourage you in your decision to finally embrace your true self. I will start by saying... My sweet Lisa, I understand that you are finally taking the steps toward fulfilling your true calling. To become a cock sucking sissy under the guidance of me, Goddess Brandon. I will walk you through your expectations tonight to become "Lisa." You will take a bath in specific oils or bubbles, shave your legs, apply lotions/oils to your skin, I will tell you what to wear, from the moment you leave the tub until you enter the resort. I will pick your perfume and your lipstick. I know what a good girl looks like and I will tell you how to paint perfect dick sucking lips. I will instruct you to purchase the appropriate videos that will instruct you on being the best cocksucker possible. The idea is not to just arrive on the day that will occur but to plan this out for weeks in advance. To build up the anticipation. I will advise you to watch videos every day leading up to the vacation in order to be prepared. Your lingerie, outfit, hair style every detail is left to me. Since you will be listening to me for weeks before the vacation, I will throw in some other items to get you conditioned for this magical night. I will persuade you to take photos or prove some of the night on video. That way you can send photos, and I will praise you for how good were in following my preparation leading up to the encounter. I will suggest a specific shade and brand of lipstick for you to wear. That way you can follow up with me afterward, because you will be wearing items that I suggested. Do you have a request for something special? Email me now to make your fantasy a reality! Everything is filmed in 4k, other formats are available by request. You can order your very own Custom Videos, socks, panties, pantyhose, DVDs - and more - contact me!
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