Well if it isn't my pathetic little toilet slave. Look at you. Your tummy is just bulging from all that waste you took down. I'm impressed! You've done a great job. I've got an amazing surprise for you as a reward for being a good toilet. I think you know what's coming! I put my huge ass right in your face and let out an endless onslaught of farts that take you straight to heaven. You're in love with the toxic waste particles as they fill up your lungs and flow throughhout your respiratory system. You get to purify your worthless little body when you inhale my Goddess gas. This is your zen. Some of my farts get a little messy. My asshole gets dirty as I push out so much air. I guess there is more food for you deeper inside! I tell you to lick my asshole and suction your mouth around it. I decide that I'm going to keep farting on you until your next meal comes out. I hope you're okay with that. Or not. You're a toilet; you don't get a choice.
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