In the beginning, I look very professional, wearing glasses and a white shirt that shows some cleavage, but not too much … yet. Underneath the tight shirt I’m wearing a white bra, and I keep My notepad close to My chest the entire time. The notepad is filled with information that you’ve given Me in advance, but since this is therapy, I’ll make notes as we talk. As you make yourself comfortable, I tell you to relax. After all, I am going to take good care of you. From the notes you’ve given Me, I see that you have an unhealthy desire to spend money on hot women, but as a CEO of a major company, you’re afraid some cruel sex bomb could manipulate you out of all your life savings. I reassure you that in this day and age, it’s a perfectly reasonable worry, but I’m here to help in any way possible. In fact, this is what I specialise in! I’m somewhat of a financial therapist. I help clients completely solve ALL their money problems, and I have a 100% success rate. As we go over some more of your concerns, I start slow, taking off My glasses, then unbuttoning a few buttons until My cleavage is in your face, and you can’t look away. I tease out information from your bank balance to your hidden savings accounts, and you willingly write down all the information I require. Do you want to know why I have a 100% success rate?
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