Persephone sits on a chair talking to the priest (position yourself in whatever you feel looks like a confession), Persephone - "Father, i must confess, I've been having thoughts, impure thoughts.... i know its wrong and thinking about such things is a sin. But i can't stop and i need gods guidance" Priest - "What has caused you to think of such things?" Persephone - "It started last week, i was visiting my sister back home, and during the night i heard these noises coming from her bedroom, i must confess that i was curious. Her door was slightly open and i couldn't help but look. I know i shouldn't have" Priest - "Tell me what you saw?" Persephone - "I saw her husband lying on the bed, and she was sitting on him, they were both naked and she was moving up an down on him, his hands were at her hips and they both had strange looks on their faces. Looks of pleasure. There were moans coming from bot of them. Since i saw that i have had dreams of myself and my sisters husband, doing those disgusting things, i even wake up in the middle of the night and find i have wet my underwear. I just want it to stop" Priest - "hmmm, i'm afraid it might be too late. Unless.....no no it's too risky" Persephone - "Please father i'll do anything, i just want to be a good nun again" Priest - "There may be a way, it's dangerous, but it may work. Take this box, inside you will find the tools you need to expel these thoughts. But be warned, if you are too weak we may lose you to the devil forever" Back in her dorm later that night, Persephone opens the box, inside she finds a pair of heels, and some very revealing lingerie (use any Black skimpy lingerie, leather if you have any), a note reads "wear this during the ceremony to allow all impure thoughts to release from your body whilst you dance upon the devil's pole" "What on earth is the Devil's pole?" Persephone wonders aloud, and then she see's it in the bottom of the box, she takes it out" (now i cant decide whether you should use that massive purple dildo, one of your bad dragons or just a black dildo for the theme so i'll leave it up to you to decide what you feel works best) "Oh my what am i to do with this" Persphone grips the shaft and feels the pent up sexual energy in her come to life "ooooh something inside me is struggling" she moans as rubs the dildo "what's happening to me? i've never seen such a thing yet i feel like i know what must be done" She leans forward and starts to place soft kisses along the shaft of the dildo. "first i must show it love, to allow it to reach my heart" Then she starts to run her tongue along it "then i must moisten it, to allow it to pass through me easily" She takes it into her mouth and starts to suck it, taking it as deep as possible causing her to gag and drool. "Finally, i must allow it to enter my body, and let it cleanse the impure feelings, until i release the devil's poison" Persephone lie's back on her bed and positions the tip of the dildo against her vagina. "Dear lord, please give me the strength to withstand the devil's temptation as i allow him into my body" She pushes the dildo into her, inch by inch, she moans as it fills her. "So this is what is feels like" She gasps, starting to thrust it in and out. "oh my god i can feel him inside me, making my body hot, my skins on fire" she runs her hands over herself as if feeling herself for the first time "i'm so soft, i feel so good" "holy fuck" she gasps, clasping her hand to her mouth "father, forgive my blasphemy, but the devil feels so good inside of me" She continues to fuck herself, getting more wildly out of control until she is begging the devil to take her harder and harder. She confesses that she always has been a bad girl deep down, that this is what she wants, that she is a dirty girl. As she builds to climax she moans "oh my god, i can feel something, please devil, release me from it" She cums (for the orgasm i want you to be as over exaggerated as possible, i'm talking super loud long moaning, almost screaming, shaking, writhing, eyes rolling back being noisy and over the top as if something has been released from you" After she calms down she looks at herself, "oh no i feel i have gone to far" Back at confession Priest - "So has the devil been purged?" Persephone - "Yes father, i have had no more impure thoughts since i cleansed myself. I feel like i am now without sin" Priest - "Good, have you returned the tools to be cleansed" Persephone - "I'm afraid that they broke, during the cleansing, i have sent for them to be burned" Priest - "Very well, it seems they will no longer be needed" Persephone looks at the camera, a naughty smile on her face and winks, she puts a finger to her lips "shhhh"
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