On the day of our wedding you come in to visit me before the ceremony. I am surprised to see you but also acting kind of distracted and strange otherwise. I tell you I am excited and I will see you later. Later after the wedding you want to consummate our marriage but I am still acting weird. You ask for sex and I say sure, but a little while into it I don't seem like I am enjoying it. I say its fine and you can just finish whenever, I seem even more distracted. After I tell you I have something on my mind and it hasn't gone away. Something happened the night of my bachelorette party. I explain the events of the night before that have been making me so cagey and distracted. thought it was just a spur of the moment thing, lots of people do stupid things before their wedding, but I think I am in love. I'm sorry I have to go be with them. Goodbye.
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