Dear boyfriend, By the time you read this you will actually be my EX boyfriend. This tape is my way of breaking up with you. Yeah, maybe I should have waited to tell you all this in person or even over the phone, but I just want to get this over with. Hm, I guess you'll have some questions and I want to be done with this once I send you this video so I'll answer the questions you'd probably ask. It was you, not me. Yes, I have been cheating on you. Yes, you know him. It's your best friend! Haha! What did you expect? Even if you weren't always away at work, your sex game still sucks. You never once made me cum. It was about time I got myself a man who knows how to satisfy a woman. I know this will be hard to really sink in, so I'm going to show you something that will make all this really drive home. I'm going to show you the sex tape him and I made. Geeze, knowing you, it will probably actually turn you on to see me actually in pleasure for once, since you never ever saw it while we were actually together. But whatever. Enjoy! Hahahaha. Your best friend, or I guess you should say ex best friend, will be here any minute now to fuck me again and again and again. Sincerely, Your EX girlfriend
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