Dakota Charms pulls out her bag of little men and calculates that they don't need to eat every day. She explains that she kept them because consuming them will make her dumber and the boys will like her like the popular girls. It's her chance to have a boyfriend! Her blue fingernails place two tiny men in her mouth before she swallows a third. She doesn't feel a transformation and gobbles more down her throat. She feels them in her belly and forgets what she was doing. Transformed into a bimbo, her voice changes and she's excited by how good everything tastes. Dumping a pile of helpless men in the palm of her hand, she chews and greedily gulps them down. Facestuffing, she can't talk clearly because they fill her gullet. Dumb and horny, she's ready to fuck! OTHER KEYWORDS- giantess, amazons, vore, bimbofication, eating fetish, nerdy girls, transformation fetish, transformation fantasies, transformation fantasy, erotic magic, magic control, belly fetish, abs, female domination, femdom, female supremacy, femdom brats, brat girls #Vore #FemaleDomination #EroticMagic #BellyFetish #BratGirls This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email TorveaFilms@gmail.com
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