((This was a custom video order. Here are the directions i was told to follow: I'd love it if you could pretend like you're giving me a private webcam show and tushy talk for me while rubbing oil all over your boobies and hiney and maybe even some light spanking with your hand! here are the words I love to hear: Tushy, Hiney, Boobies, Tushy-Tush, Sugartushy Hineybuns, Shiny Hiney Tushybuns, and my favorite Shiny Hiney Tushy-Tush no need to memorize the words, you can write them down or have them on your screen nearby to look at whenever necessary! hope ya have fun, thanks for saying yes to my request, appreciate it! xoxo)) Hope you enjoy! 5 star reviews + comment gets you a free nude!
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