* Custom Request* “Hello, my tasty ones!” she greeted them playfully, her voice carefree, girlish, and definitely excited. “Well,” she said, “you all seem to be ready for this. Am I right?” “Good,” she said with a still playful smile. “In fact, that's very good, because I've been keeping my stomach empty and waiting for you.” She licked her lips, slowly and meaningfully, her dark, beautiful eyes fixed on theirs as she did so. “And now I'm hungry.” “I'm Cherry, by the way,” she introduced herself. “And I'm really pleased to meet you all.” She grinned, displaying her perfect teeth. “I won't chew you guys. I want you to feel every moment when I eat you. And I want to feel you squirming as you go down.” She grinned. “So feel free to wriggle.” “Oh, yes, I will be able to eat all of you” “All those who want me to. I managed to eat twenty-six two years ago, and I'm hoping to do a lot better this time. So yes, my yummy little ones, there's more than enough room for you all in here.” She patted her empty tummy lightly “I didn't get indigestion last time. I gobbled my previous victims all up,” she went on in a seductively teasing voice, “gulped them down, and digested them without problem. The whole way through. I'll do the same thing” -she traced her finger over her lips, then slowly down over her throat, over her chest and down to her tummy- “to you. “Hear that growl?” she asked. She seemed as excited as they were. “You guys are going to solve that for me?” "My goal is to relocate everyone that is on this plate into this belly so not to worry, everyone will be reunited and digested by me"
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