Hi there my little h.y.p.n.o pet. You know what makes you the ideal subject for my little mind fucking games? The fact that you are completely and so easily captivated by the voice of your Goddess. By my voice. You could listen to it for hours. You instantly relax the moment you hear it. A little pet that accepts the power of his Goddess' voice, allowing it to control them, because that is what they most deeply desire, is a perfect pet for me. That's why today there will be no touching in my playground. You will be helplessly stuck, tied up, bound in place, and I will make you inhale my favorite perfume of them all. The scent of your desire for me, that is. You will get to feel its delight, as it keeps on sending you wave after wave after wave of pleasure, turning you into an aroused mush. Entirely weak for me, as you feel pleasure throughout every bit of your body, even in places where you never imagined you could feel arousal. Enjoy it! And to make sure you enjoy it at its fullest, get fully naked for me and put your headphones on before we begin!
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